original hard copy

In information handling, the U.S. Federal Standard 1037C (Glossary of Telecommunication Terms) defines a hard copy is a permanent reproduction, or copy, in the form of a physical object, of any media suitable for direct use by a person (in particular pape

相關軟體 Blu-ray Copy 下載

Blu-ray Copy is a user-friendly and versatile Blu-ray media copy app, which enables you to duplicate any unprotected Blu-ray discs. The app lets you copy entire Blu-ray discs with high quality. The...

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  • hard copy 和 original copy的意思有差嗎?? 我已經被這兩的名詞搞混了,麻煩你能幫我解答好嗎? 謝謝囉!! original = 你簽名那張 hard cop...
  • In information handling, the U.S. Federal Standard 1037C (Glossary of Telecommunication Te...
    Hard copy - Wikipedia
  • 針對格友提問問題… Q: hard copy 和original copy的意思有差嗎?? 我已經被這兩的名詞搞混了,麻煩你能幫我解答好嗎? 謝謝囉!
    hard copy 和original copy @ 楓韻雅閤:: 隨意窩Xuite日誌
  • hard copy 字面上的意思是「硬的複本」,其實就是中文裡說的「紙本」 因為現在很多文件資料都是電腦檔案 相對來說實體的紙本就是「硬的版本」了 那大家猜猜看電子檔的版本叫什麼?...
    hard copy 是什麼意思? - Sammy 老師來幫大家學英文囉! ...
  • original = 你簽名那張 hard copy= 複寫的那張 copy = 你可以從 original 或者 hard copy 那邊複製很多張 所以 original/ h...
    HARD COPY是甚麼意思? | Yahoo奇摩知識+
  • Hardcopy is available under following languages: Danish, German, English, French, Dutch, I...
    Hardcopy for Windows 7 (32+64 Bit), Vista, XP, Windows ...
  • It depends on whether the other party has an original copy or not, in the event of a lawsu...
    Is a person at risk if an original hard copy of an agreement ...
  • 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供original copy的中文意思,original copy的用法讲解,original copy的读音,original copy的同义词,ori...
    original copy是什么意思_original copy的翻译_音标_读音_用法_ ...
  • Hard copy, Exemplaire imprimé, , , Translation, human translation, automatic translation.
    Original hard copy - English - French Translation and Examples
  • Shop for original hard copy on Etsy, the place to express your creativity through the buyi...
    Original hard copy | Etsy
  • 海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供original hard copy的在线翻译,original hard copy是什么意思,original hard copy的真人发音,...
    original hard copy是什么意思_original hard copy在线翻译_英语_读音_ ...
  • A hard copy (or "hardcopy") is a printed copy of information from a computer. So...
    What is hard copy (printout)? - Definition from WhatIs.com
  • Sometimes referred to as a printout, a hard copy is so-called because it exists as a physi...
    What is hard copy (printout)? - Definition from WhatIs.com ...
  • Definition of hard copy: Original document, paper copy, printout, or any record that can b...
    What is hard copy? definition and meaning - BusinessDictiona ...
  • Definition of hard copy: Original document, paper copy, printout, or any record that can b...
    What is hard copy? definition and meaning - BusinessDictionary.com
  • 2011年8月17日 - A hard copy can become a soft copy via a scanner or any other digital ... Is...
    what is the difference between HARD copy and SOFT copy? | Yahoo ...
  • 2013年6月21日 - 問:英文常用copy來說「副本」,而用original copy說「正本」。但「正本」的正確說法是不是original? 答:回答這個問題之前,不妨談談...
    正本副本、已經離職| 蘋果日報| 果籽| 名采| 20130621